The 128th Autumn Canton Fair will kick off in the "cloud" on October 15, 2020, changing from "face-to-face communication" to "screen-to-screen communication", providing exhibitors with a brand new participation experience. It provides an opportunity for global enterprises to overcome the impact of the epidemic, share the opportunities for economic development in China and the world, and inject the energy of the Canton Fair into the stable development of the world economy.
Facing new platforms, new marketing, new services and new opportunities. Dabbl shower enclsoure is fully prepared to bring new surprises to merchants and friends at home and abroad. In the display method and the selection of exhibits, we will carefully prepare for the exhibition. With excellent quality, advanced technology and considerate service, we will show the brand charm of Dabbl shower enclsoure fashion, environmental protection, health and quality for consumers and friends.
With a history of 63 years, the China Import and Export Fair is a comprehensive international trade event with the largest scale, the most complete variety of commodities and the best transaction effect in China. Every year, thousands of well-known domestic and foreign companies participate in the exhibition.
Dabbl brand has a global perspective and a comprehensive layout: in the domestic market, implement the market strategy of "international quality, dream back to China". At the same time, deepen strategic cooperation on a global scale, adhere to the quality and win-win situation, and rely on the world-class product of Canton Fair The trading platform enhances the influence of Dabbl brand in the international shower enclsoure industry, and is determined to let consumers and friends around the world enjoy a quality shower life.
The opening day of the Canton Fair is slowly approaching, and Dabbl brand has made the most adequate preparations and sincerely welcomes visitors from all directions!
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