- 公司名称:浙江宝兰电气有限公司
- 企业电话:0573-83248888
- 企业网址:http://www.baolan.com/home/index
- 是家居空间、商业空间领域的领先品牌,励志成为全球集成顶引领者
综合评分:9.5 | ||
品牌知名度 | ★★★★★ | 9.5 |
企业实力 | ★★★★★ | 90 |
产品品质 | ★★★★★ | 80 |
服务口碑 | ★★★★★ | 70 |
企业信誉 | ★★★★★ | 80 |
Boln founded in the 1980s, is the leading brand of the home furnishing space and the commercial space. Its main business is concentrated in the bathroom electric heating system、lighting system and the integrated top、wall、background system, the design、manufacture、installation and service of the interior integration space.
Over the years, it established the first brand of high-end industry of the integrated ceiling by the innovative technology、outstanding products and the reliable quality, received the honorary title of the leader unit to formulate integrated ceiling industry standards、the leader unit to formulate bathroom electric heating national standards、the leader unit to formulate installation national standards etc.
For a long time, Boln cooperation all the world with its innovative solutions of space changes life, highlight the determination of its commitment to continuous improvement of living space.
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