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Furious Wheels国外超级概念自行车手绘作品

作者:admin      来源:互联网      发布时间: 2015/11/14 16:23:30     浏览:
Furious Wheels国外超级概念自行车手绘作品

  In the early stages of my career as a designer, back when I was still learning the basics by myself in my little student room, I thought being a real designer was all about drawing big sketches on A3 sheets. Back then I was spending hours adjusting my sketches (perspectives, styles, wheel ellypses...): it was so frustrating and frankly, demoralizing.


  Now I know I was wrong and here I would like to show you why, by giving you the proof that it's possible to play around with a 5cm wide square.


  I choose a side view of a motorcycle which immediately gave me a friendly feeling as I was drawing it with my black Faber Castell pencil. Usually I don't know what's going to "come out" when I start my sketches: the only thing that I have in mind is giving a strong personality to the final object. This time I imagined a bike in a strange, seemingly limitless room, that had two glass tubes showing bright plasmas of pure energy. Also, I didn't want to draw regular wheels so I imagined a rear wheel powered by the same energy, but in in its solid form this time. At the front, the wheel can display in its centre a hologram of the biker's ranking. The side line of the bike reminded me of some kind of reptile, snaking its way through the city streets, like the cyborg lizard you can see in the foreground!


  In the end the bike is really furious and seems to be awaiting for a crazy driver to take it for a ride
